Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sunday, April 5, 2009

the world of best things

Once there lived Aubrey. Hehe. And she lived in Virginia. And this is a story, so welcome aboard.

My day today: we went to the chicken restaurant with Emmy and she was screaming loudly. And Evan is here today. We picked him up at the airport and went to chruch. You know I really had an exciting day today cause Evan is really funny.

My name is Evie and Everette. So...see you next time.

Pancakes and ice cream are my favorite things to eat because they're so yummy. Hcllpch. I eat them every morning at my real house. My real house is where I live with Bob. Bob is my husband! We live in Canada; that's where Bob is from. We live in the country where Bob's parents live. And my children are all happy to see them every time. I do artwork and (don't have much space) at my house I have a TV...two TVs...really three...I think we have 90. Bob works for the zoo. Me and Bob both work at the zoo and the children sometimes come see us when they walk home from school. The zoo is very close to the school. They just take a bus and then walk, walk, walk, and they're here. They have little cars at the zoo, and if you want to ride one you can just get out, but you have to press a remote.

Easter is very fun because the Easter Bunny brings you chocolate and Easter eggs. And at Easter it's so much exciting. So see ya! Bye!


Advice for the day: Don't eat in public. And...Don't do what people tell you to not to do. Don't lie.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


"pintas are better than sploders!"

translation: pinatas are better than exploders (in reference to a birthday party where they had swiss "bombs" which are like pinatas except you light them and they explode toys)

Saturday, March 7, 2009


1. what is a color?
a color is a color and a color means that you see colors all around. it's just it has patterns. and you know that really that is really good thing. it is a thing that might be hard for people, but really it's not really hard. because you know when people are good, they are good forever. and you can green out of blue and yellow. god made colors on our skin...that is a beautiful color for that.

2. why do we itch?
because mosquitoes drink our blood.

3. what is love?
love is meaning that you must never lie and you have to make a better mom and dad. it's more than that, it's something that is good, something that is neat.

4. if you could say something to barack obama, what would you say?
are you crazy, barack obama. if you want to be a state, just be a state by yourself. i like you because you're good, but if you're bad than i won't listen. could you get me a best friend, and she can be ugly as she could?

5. where does light come from?
god. from the moon and the sun. and that comes from god. and god is special because his mom and dad were special.

6. how long is forever?
long. for like ever. never ends because god is good.

7. what do think about when you sleep?
peter brady. hahahah! because he's just cool because i had a dream about him and i was way out of control with him. we could like cut him out but we can't do it because it's better for him. i think about e.t. because he's scary. he is scary. he is. he is. he is. i just think he is because he's different from us. no, people are not different, we are all the same, it's just that e.t. has a different body and different sound.

8. how high do the numbers go?
to like 84...forever the numbers go and go and go. and when they go, god adds more and more and more numbers. and ... (she lost her train of thought)

9. what does beautiful mean?
beautiful means that strawberry...beautiful means that god is around you. it's like colors and colors of new, so it means if you see colors all around you, you point to something that is color and beauty. like sleeping beauty. from then sleeping beauty is a princess, but now she is queen, and now she is no more a princess.

10. why do we feel pain?
because when people say they don't like you, then you get out of the problem. because if you pinched me it would hurt cause your nails are hard. because you didn't cut them. it just hurts because your body is hurting.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

the joy of the day

hi. because everything is cool and if it's summer, you could go outside and put on your summer clothes. so, if you can believe in yourself then come to me. and flowers are pretty. listen up, boys and girls: here comes the summer. so, if you are listening to me, just bring this message around the world and if you can't read it just translate it into two parts. okay peoples? do you want to listen to the card, the greg card?

this bear is a boy because it is a boy it has a peanut. and you can't see it because it has underwear. and his name is john and he is a snowbear and he loves boy books and he loves to play with robots. but really he likes to play with girls, girls. and he likes to sing this song: "if you love girls, then follow this line. if you want to dream, if you want to listen, why do you await. if you are, if you are, if you are a girl come to him as you sing along. why do you say if you can not dream? if you can sing just come to me, if you can talk just come and listen. first i have to learn how to do all the signs. then we are all together."

today, i colored at school and we went to the park and we feed the duckies and we got to sit by the water. and the teachers let us look at the ducks and the gooses. but ada didn't listen, so ada didn't get to look at the ducks. she was in timeout. and we also played a game called put the eggs in the chicken. you put like white balls in the chicken that the teachers made.

we're making a movie today! and everybody is gonna be in it, except emmy and aubrey. and emmy is sick but the movie is about a girl growing. and that's going to be me, myself, evie.

nothing else, goodbye.

umm, bye, evie

Friday, February 27, 2009

today who's coming to our house

Um...this blog is gonna send my message around the world. I want all the people in the whole wide world to read this because everybody is friends, even the children. Because the world is special because God made it and the dogs and the cats and all the other animals. So if you want to visit me, just go online and find a plane.

Today, Michael and Oliver are coming over to our house. And first Mommy's gonna go to the pizza, so me and Oliver are going to play together. Because Mommy's gonna come after Oliver and play. So Emmy and me can play with Oliver.

I'm happy get to go to the beach to see the swans. I did get what I wanted. I'm happy because I did get to do what I wanted. And my dream come true is to go to Disney World. But, if I could fly I could be a superstar. But really I want to be a princess. But soon it's gonna be summer so we see the flowers blooming.

And I wrote a song called "Feel the Breeze" and it goes like this: "If you feel the breeze listening, you see that all the people are around you looking for spring. Then when you see the princesses dancing along the pathway. The end." So did you like my song? The world would be happy. So, when you come to meet me, just go to Zurich. So if anybody wants to come to me just go on an airplane and see if you're on the right airplane to go to Zurich. Alright, goodbye! Love!

Love, Evie