Tuesday, March 3, 2009

the joy of the day

hi. because everything is cool and if it's summer, you could go outside and put on your summer clothes. so, if you can believe in yourself then come to me. and flowers are pretty. listen up, boys and girls: here comes the summer. so, if you are listening to me, just bring this message around the world and if you can't read it just translate it into two parts. okay peoples? do you want to listen to the card, the greg card?

this bear is a boy because it is a boy it has a peanut. and you can't see it because it has underwear. and his name is john and he is a snowbear and he loves boy books and he loves to play with robots. but really he likes to play with girls, girls. and he likes to sing this song: "if you love girls, then follow this line. if you want to dream, if you want to listen, why do you await. if you are, if you are, if you are a girl come to him as you sing along. why do you say if you can not dream? if you can sing just come to me, if you can talk just come and listen. first i have to learn how to do all the signs. then we are all together."

today, i colored at school and we went to the park and we feed the duckies and we got to sit by the water. and the teachers let us look at the ducks and the gooses. but ada didn't listen, so ada didn't get to look at the ducks. she was in timeout. and we also played a game called put the eggs in the chicken. you put like white balls in the chicken that the teachers made.

we're making a movie today! and everybody is gonna be in it, except emmy and aubrey. and emmy is sick but the movie is about a girl growing. and that's going to be me, myself, evie.

nothing else, goodbye.

umm, bye, evie

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